View to the Ox horn mountains on Senja

How to travel between Tromsø and Senja

Many choose to combine the vibrant city life in Tromsø with the island of Senja. A great combination, for sure! But how can you travel from Tromsø to the island known for its sharp mountains and enticing coastline?

There are several ways to travel from Tromsø to Senja, and the journey can vary depending on the mode of transport and route choice.

Some of the options are:

By boat

Taking the express boat from Tromsø to Finnsnes is both practical and efficient. The trip only takes 1 hour and 20 minutes. There are 2-4 departures daily between Tromsø and Finnsnes, and Finnsnes is a great starting point for further exploration of Senja. Here you can easily hop on different buses to explore the island. Note that the express boat is not a car ferry, but you are allowed to bring a bicycle.

By bus

There are bus connections from Tromsø to various parts of Senja, including to the city of Finnsnes. This is a good starting point for further exploration of Senja. Travel time and frequency of bus departures can vary, so it is wise to check updated routes and timetables. Troms Fylkestrafikk offers relevant information.

By bicycle

For the adventurous, a bike ride from Tromsø to Senja can be a fantastic experience. This naturally requires good planning and adequate equipment. Feel free to ask the Tourist Information for tips and advice! It is important to note that the weather conditions in Northern Norway can be unpredictable, especially outside the summer season, so it is always wise to prepare well and check weather reports and road conditions.

Join an organised tour

There are several tour operators that offer day trips or longer trips from Tromsø to Senja. These tours can include transport, guiding, and activities.

By car 

Driving from Tromsø to Senja is a popular way to travel as you can enjoy the beautiful nature along the way and stop wherever you want. It takes about 2-4 hours, depending on which part of Senja you want to visit and which route you take. You can drive via Fv862 and E8, and then cross to Senja via Gisundbrua.

By car and ferry

Another possibility is to combine the car journey with a ferry. This is a scenic experience, both the car ride and the ferry crossing.

From Tromsø, you drive west towards Brensholmen, a drive of about 1 hour and 15 minutes, depending on traffic. Remember to plan well in terms of time, so you catch the ferry. Upon arrival in Brensholmen, travelers will take the ferry to Botnhamn on Senja. The ferry crossing takes about 45 minutes.

During the crossing, you can enjoy fresh sea air and panoramic views of the sea and mountains. Norwegian-registered vehicles, including rental cars, receive an invoice after license plate registration. Cars with foreign plates must pay at the quay before departure. It is not possible to reserve a spot or buy a ticket in advance.