Employees Visit Tromsø smiling

This is Visit Tromsø-Region

Visit Tromsø-Region AS (VTR) was established in 2009 and is one of Norway’s largest destination companies with over 200 partners affiliated with tourism in Tromsø municipality and surrounding areas. The partners represent all sectors of the tourism industry: accommodation, dining, transport, experiences, and communication.

Visit Tromsø-Region operates the official Tourist Information Centre for the Tromsø region, with offices and main visitor centre located at Storgata 83. VTR currently has 24 employees, consisting of 10 full-time, 13 part-time staff and 1 apprentice. 

Our vision is for the tourism industry in the Tromsø region, led by Visit Tromsø-Region, to be an indispensable strategic tool for building strong local communities with lasting and secure jobs, increased well-being, and revenues for the common good. The company's primary goal and mandate are to strengthen local value creation in the region and facilitate a competitive, sustainable, year-round destination that is attractive to both visitors and residents.

This will be achieved through:

  • Developing the Tromsø region as a more sustainable destination.
  • Ensuring increased quality, competitiveness, and delivery capability, and attractiveness at the destination level.
  • Facilitating high local triple value creation in the Tromsø region and at the destinations the company has as external clients.
  • Contributing to good communication between stakeholders at the destination and between the destination itself and external partners in the tourism industry.
  • Being a good partner for the municipality (or municipalities), commercial tourism operators (owners and members), residents, and visitors.



The company is owned by Tromsø municipality and other private organisations associated with Tromsø. The following share holders own more than 5% of the company

  • Tromsø Kommune, 16,7% ownership
  • Lyngsfjord Adventure AS, 16,7% ownership
  • Tromsø Havn KF, 16,7% ownership
  • Scandic Hotels Tromsø AS, 13,9% ownership
  • Grand Easy Living North AS, 9,7% ownership
  • Tromsø Travel Hotel AS, 7% ownership
  • Sommarøy Arctic Hotel AS, 7% ownership