Urban experiences meet raw Arctic nature

Basecamp Senja
Basecamp Senja is located at the outer part of the senic island Senja. We work with small groups and great nature based adventures.
About us
Our main base is Posthuset Expedition Lodge, in the Village of Skaland. A cosy lodge with nine sleeping places, located right at the shore line of the beautiful Bergsfjorden.
In the winter time we have designed 3-days adventure packed. All inclusive! Outer Senja and Scenic Route is probably the best place you can explore the magic Northern lights, due to the view points of Senic Route Senja.
We also operate two open Zodiac boats, and explore the fjords, also looking for the great white tailed eagles, and the cute seals. Local food is served at all our expeditions. Our designed expeitions are suitable for most adults who want to experience exiting winter adventure in small groups and great nature. There will be a pleasant hosts and skilled guides at all expeditions. Basecamp Senja gets very good feedback from the guests.
All our expeditions is organized so you can travel from Tromsø (Tromsø Havn Prostneset city centre of Tromsø) to Finnsnes by express ferry (1 hour and 15 min). We meet you at the terminal in Finnsnes for pick up, and continue by car to the lodge outer Senja (1 hour). It is also possible to do a direct flight (www.norgwegian.no) from Oslo to Bardufoss. Bus transfer to Finnsnes. We meet you (pick up point) in Finnsnes, and bring you to the lodge by car (1 hour). Tailor made expeditions for private groups is possible.
See special Christmas- and New Year expeditions (5 days including whale watching in Tromsø and dogsledding in Senja) All inclusive.
Basecamp Senja
Phone: +47 917 09 618
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: https://www.basecampsenja.no/